Abigale Kim


I’m a PhD student in the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. I am advised by Dr. Xiangyao Yu, and am a member of the UW-Madison Databases Group. Previously, I was a Software Engineer at TileDB, working on their open-source data engine. I completed my B.Sc. and M.Sc. at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science, where I was advised by Dr. Andy Pavlo. My academic interests are database management systems and computer science education.

In my free time, I enjoy listening to Taylor Swift and fiber crafting. Feel free to reach out abigalekim0417[at]gmail[dot]com or abigale[at]cs[dot]wisc[dot]edu. I’m happy to chat and connect!


May 29, 2024 Presented my work on DBMS extensibility at the PostgreSQL Developer Conference! (Slides, Video)
Apr 15, 2024 Committed to UW Madison for a Ph.D. in database systems with Professor Xiangyao Yu.
Jan 10, 2024 Graduated from my master’s program at CMU SCS. Here is my thesis.
Sep 5, 2023 Developed a modern C++ bootcamp for CMU’s database systems class this semester.
Mar 3, 2023 Moved my website from the reverie Jekyll template to the al-folio Jekyll template.